Monday, June 20, 2016


Hello friends, me again! I've been thinking lately about my status as a "survivor". What the heck does that even mean? Yes, I survived a couple surgeries and chemotherapy. But I really don't think my survival is any more impressive than the millions of other people out there who have survived tough situations. Like the couple struggling with lost babies and infertility. Or the woman struggling with post-partum depression and the challenges of being home with children. Or those with chronic diseases that never go away. Or those who are widowed much too early. I've been asked to speak as a "survivor" at a couple of upcoming events. That's fine. I feel the need to make sure that my experience is one that continues to have meaning. And I know people read this blog, and I share it with other women who are newly diagnosed. Hopefully it is helpful, but I don't know that I'm especially unique in my experience. Perhaps my attitude was different, but that was all because of Jesus.

Last week I went on a trip for work to Minneapolis. It was a delightful trip and quite successful. One evening I was talking with a woman and shared that I recently had cancer. She asked if I was in remission. What? Remission? Nobody has asked me that before. Of course I'm in remission. I think. Well, as far as we know I don't have cancer right now. I guess I could have cancer cells somewhere in my body. Just like anyone reading this blog could have cancer and not know it. That's what is so scary about the disease. Too often it is found too late. So, here is my call to action for you all - go have a routine physical! If you're not eating right and exercising do something. Keep your body as healthy as you can. You may not be able to stop your cancer from coming, but if you're in fighting shape when it arrives you can battle it that much easier.

I've had a few milestones over the last few weeks. Here they are, in a nutshell: 
  • I got my nipple tattoos. If you want details just ask. And if you want to see them I might show you. But not if you're a guy. That would be weird.
  • I had a haircut last week. I was starting to get a mullet. Not good.
  • I am now a Patient Partner with Can Do Cancer. It is a great organization. Feel free to give them money if you like.
  • I have officially dropped 10 pounds since I was at my heaviest post-chemo. I still hit up Farrell's at least three times a week and try to stay away from sugar. If I lose five more pounds I'll be happy.
  • I'm heading to Vegas in 17 days with my girlfriends. If you'd like to donate money to that cause we would really appreciate it. :)
Moving forward, I see the plastic surgeon in a few weeks. I still have significant puffiness on my right side. I don't know if it is swelling, or weird fat, but it needs to go. If he recommends surgery, though, it will probably stay. I don't see the oncologist again until November. Life just keeps moving along, pretty normal and pretty darn good.