Saturday, August 22, 2015

A timeline of what's going on...

Well, I've decided to start this blog to keep everyone informed on my new journey with breast cancer. Since my diagnosis I have spent more time texting and talking on the phone than ever before! So, this will serve as a way to keep people up to date on what's going on with me and really, it is about the best thing for an introvert like myself. To get started, here's a timeline of what's been going on.

Monday, August 10
I was sitting in bed shopping online for a dress to wear for my best friend's wedding next month. I reached across my body and the side of my arm rubbed across my breast. That's when I noticed a lump. I immediately knew that the lump shouldn't be there.

Tuesday, August 11
I called my doctor's office first thing in the morning, and had an appointment at 10:45am. The doctor confirmed that my lump (which was about the size of a blueberry) needed further examination. That afternoon I had a mammogram and an ultrasound. I could tell from the body language of the techs and doctors that afternoon that the lump wasn't good, but I was told that I would find out in a day or two if I would need a biopsy.

Wednesday, August 12
The call finally came around 4:30 that afternoon that I would need a biopsy to further determine if the lump was cancer.

Friday, August 14
I had the biopsy Friday morning, and it wasn't terrible. Especially when my boss was sending me awesome texts during the procedure, including this gem:

My boob really hurt by Friday afternoon, and over a week later I still have an ugly bruise where the doctor took the samples. I was told I would get a call back on Monday with the results.

Tuesday, August 18
The call finally came on Tuesday morning at around 8:03 in the morning. I was at work, preparing for our first interview day for the Physician Assistant program. While I fully expected to hear that I had cancer, the news was still a shock. It isn't something you ever expect to hear when you're 37 years old and relatively healthy. I cancelled my morning (thank goodness I have such wonderful colleagues!) and began the process of telling family and friends. The doctor's office followed up to let me know that I would have a meeting with a surgeon the following day.

Wednesday, August 19
Troy and I met with Dr. Mohan, the general surgeon who would be working with me. He was also my mom's surgeon when she had breast cancer over five years ago. He explained that the cancer was relatively small at just over one centimeter and it was invasive. It most likely is in some lymph nodes. I was given lots of options, but in the end we've decided to do a double mastectomy with reconstruction. Chemotherapy will follow. Because of my young age, we're being aggressive.

Thursday, August 20
I had an appointment with a genetic counselor to try to determine if genetics is at all involved in my diagnosis. After reviewing my family history the counselor really thinks it is not genetic (which is great!), but a blood test will say for sure. Results will be back in about two weeks.

Despite feeling pretty good about this whole cancer thing, my body is revolting. I have a full body rash, so I went to my primary care physician and got some steroids. The rash is most likely due to anxiety. It is the worst on my feet, and rash bumps between the toes hurt. I've also stopped eating for the most part, which is frustrating. I know I need to eat to be strong for surgery, but food just isn't happening.

Friday, August 21
Finally, a day at work that feels normal! At the end of the day I get the call on when my surgery date will be - Friday, August 28. On Monday I meet with plastic surgery, and then the countdown really begins.

I've had a lot of people ask how I'm feeling. I feel fine. I'm not a crying mess and I don't think about it all the time. I just have some cancer in my boob that we need to have taken out. I get insurance to pay for a nice, new rack. How awesome is that!? I'm going to be away from work during some of the nicest weather of the year. I'm going to watch Netflix and read books. I'll probably sleep a lot. Of course I'll have pain from the surgery and that's why drugs were invented. The chemo might be terrible. I have been growing out my hair for over a year so losing it would piss me off. I have to miss my best friend's wedding in Chicago and that makes me mad. And I don't get to finish the Farrell's 10-week challenge that I was doing really well in. So, there are some annoyances and there will be some pain, but I have a great support network so things will be fine. God is in control here. No need to worry.

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