Sunday, July 24, 2016

One more surgery

My mind keeps wandering back to a year ago. The clock was ticking and I didn't even know it. I had cancer cells dividing, a tumor growing, and I was blissfully oblivious. God was watching, knowing. And a year later I sit here, totally transformed, grateful for the rain, but still feeling anxious as August 18 approaches.

August 18, 2015, was the first interview day for the PA program at work. I remember what I was wearing that day. I have so many vivid memories of that day. Hearing the word "invasive" over the phone and crying and finding my sweet colleague Layne in the hallway and just shaking my head at her and she knew immediately. Having to call Troy and my parents and tell everyone else. Thinking about that morning gives me anxiety. And this Tuesday we are holding our first PA interview day of the new admissions cycle. I'll get to work early just like I did last year, making sure everything is just right. I'll be excited and yet resigned to the fact that there is a long admissions cycle ahead of us. But this year there will not be a phone call that turns my world upside down and puts me on the most challenging path I had ever experienced. I actually thought about wearing the same outfit this year as I did last year for interview day #1. That thought practically put me into a panic attack. So if I seem a little odd over the next few weeks, please understand that I'm not quite sure how to process everything.

What I do know how to process, however, is the fact that I'm getting another surgery on September 12. In order to fix the puffiness on my right side, my plastic surgeon needs to do a little work. While he's at it, I've decided to go ahead with the fat grafting procedure. This is when the surgeon sucks fat from my middle (liposuction) and puts it around my implants. I was pretty sure I didn't want to do the fat grafting, but now I figure if I'm knocked out for one thing we might as well go ahead with it. Surgery certainly isn't enjoyable, but I'm really excited for the results. And no, friends, I don't need any fat donors. I have enough of my own.

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