Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter and my good looks

I've had a few people ask how my video at church at Easter turned out. Well, it was great! The pastor who edited it did a wonderful job and included great content as well as some funny outtakes. I was actually surprised at how well-spoken I sound! I had several people thank me for my testimony after church, and one conversation was especially meaningful. It came from an individual who is in the middle of a very hard time in her life, and I think the video had an impact. That's what I hoped for.

Overall, the Easter weekend was a good one. Good Friday service on Friday night, church community event Saturday, and church again on Sunday. Lots of church. And that's a good thing. Since, you know, Easter is actually about Jesus. When I was interviewed for the article about me at church I was asked what I wanted to communicate as we prepared to celebrate the empty tomb. Here's a little of what I said:

Here's the thing. When I started my blog, I didn't know if I was stage zero or stage four. I could have been terminal. We didn't know until after surgery that I was stage one. But, let's imagine it was terminal. Do you know what? That would have been okay with me. Yes, it would have been incredibly sad for my family and my friends and even myself. I hate to think of my daughter growing up without a mother. But I have this amazing promise through Christ that, when I die, I will get to live forever worshipping him. No pain, no sin, no suffering. Eternity with the Creator of the universe sounds pretty amazing, and that's what the empty tomb promises us.

I think that sums up Easter pretty nicely.

And, now on to a lighter topic. Let's talk about my appearance. The first ugly phase I went through was in junior high. It was bad. Trust me. I grew out of it by high school and thought I was done with ugly phases. Then the last few months hit. I had bad hair as it grew in. My eyebrows looked funny and I had no eyelashes. But this week I really feel like I'm doing alright. I have enough eyelashes to use mascara! I have eyebrows with a little help from Sephora. And I have been using Taffy Whip in my hair (for those of you who don't know, Taffy Whip is an amazing product especially if you have curls! Call Joy Streeter at Urban Hair and Spa to get yours today!). I still have quite a bit of swelling from my surgery and wear a sports bra pretty much all the time to keep my arm from rubbing on my swollen side. But, that will subside over the next several weeks. I feel pretty good most of the time. I am working out and getting back into shape (now if only I could cut the sugar!). And, Gap finally had my favorite pants available online in my size and the color I want. YES! Life is pretty great.

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