Wednesday, November 11, 2015


This week I started kickboxing at Farrell's again. During the A/C chemo I had so few mornings when I had good energy that it just wasn't possible for me to go. But this past weekend I felt great, so Monday morning I was back at it. Of course I about died, but it felt good to work out again. I was surprised at how much arm strength I've lost but I know I can re-gain it. I even did push ups and planks, which felt fine at the time but I was pretty swollen Tuesday morning. So, for today's class I skipped the push ups and planks and did ab work instead. My goal is to have a hot body to match the nice boobs I'll get in the spring. And, of course, to be strong. I will admit that I looked pretty badass with my bald head and boxing gloves!

I have been a little nervous lately as I prepare to start Taxol on Friday. I'm told that it is tolerated better than the A/C, but I've also learned to have no expectations based on what others tell me. Of course I hope that I feel fine, I can keep working out and I can go to work four days a week. My fear, though, is that I'll continue to be fatigued and feel bad. One of the common side effects of Taxol is numbness in the arms and legs. What if I am unable to be active? What if I can't even type? Or worse yet, what if I can't hold the fork that is feeding me unending supplies of food? I suppose I'll know soon enough how my body responds.

I'm glad that I've been able to go to work so many days in a row! The environment in my office has changed drastically in the last three months, and it is a good thing. There is new leadership that brings great vision, and I want to be present as new initiatives are planned and want to be able to participate in pretty much everything. I'm excited for where we are going, and Taxol better not hold me back!

So, prayers are welcome for chemo that is tolerated well! :)

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