Monday, January 4, 2016

Meet Janice

Those of you who know me well know that I like to name things. For example, my port is named Chad. I figured if I was going to be in a long-term relationship with my port, it might as well have a name. We've been together since the end of August. Our relationship had a bit of a rocky start, but we get along just fine now. We will break up at some point in the next couple of months; I'll play some Boyz II Men to get over it but I think I'll move along just fine. Many of you also know that my wig is named Sheila. When Sheila first came into my life I was really excited about her. We were going to be the best of friends and hang out every day. I came to learn, however, that Sheila was a little itchy and liked to get in my mouth when I tried to eat. She also started to look pretty tangled after not much wear. So now poor Sheila sits sadly in the corner of my bedroom, most likely never to be worn again.

And now I would like to introduce you all to Janice. Janice is the cold that I have had for over a month. At this point I figure the cold isn't going away any time soon, so I might as well embrace it and give it a proper name. Much like the character "Janice" from Friends, I have tried to break up with Janice multiple times but she keeps coming back. Janice likes to change how she effects me every couple of days. It might be a cough, ringing in the ears, runny nose, scratchy voice; Janice likes to mix things up. The second I start to think that Janice is moving on, she comes back with a vengeance. As long as my body is being poisoned every week I think Janice is staying put. So, next time you see me, feel free to ask how Janice is doing.

I have been asked if I have named my tissue expanders or will name my new boobs. I have tried, but I don't think I can get on board with that. It seems like something strippers do. 

As I near the end of chemo I have had a lot of people ask how I want to celebrate. Angela and I will have a little party at chemo that day because it certainly is a big deal. At the same time, though, it will be a little anticlimactic because even though chemo will be done, I'll still be dealing with feeling sick the following week. I'm almost thinking that I just want it all to end quietly. I'll just have my last one and be done with it (hopefully) forever. Maybe I'll go have a fancy dinner with Troy after the replacement surgery. And then in July I will really celebrate with a trip to Vegas with Ashley, Angela, and Marianne. We went in 2014 and had so much fun we decided to go every other year. Yes, relaxing poolside with great friends and new boobs sounds just wonderful!

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